"Averie O'Hare is an optimistic and vivacious young lady with big hopes and dreams. She started studying Opera technique at the age of 10 and pursued musical theatre. She attended Interlochen Summer Program, and was a member of the successful Broadway's Class Act Performance Company until they closed for lack of funding in 2008. She also plays the piano, is a wonderful actress and has great ability to teach children. Children love her friendly personality and always want to hear her sing!
She wants to reach people through her music and bring her own style. So for now she is singing cover songs, but is in the process of writing her music. In the summer, she will be working as an assistant teacher and teaching Musical Theatre for children ages 6 through 14.
Thank you
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Yo se que mis publicados son en Espanol pero hoy quice hacer una exepcion. Ana una amiga de la infancia de mi tierra Nicaragua y que aun a pesar de la distancia, el tiempo y de que llevamos vidas totalmente diferentes mantenemos siempre una amistad. Ella compartio conmigo ese video y yo creo que merece una pagina en mi Blog. Esto fue lo que mi amiga Ana me escribio de su hija Averie O'Hare. Yo copie exactamente lo que Ana escribio porque pense, que ella mejor que yo, podria describir los meritos merecidos. Yo simplemente comparto con ustedes este video y celebro el orgullo de mi querida amiga Ana.
Felicidades Averie! y mis mejores deseos en tu carrera artistica.
Un abrazo,
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